Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy is a special branch of physiotherapy involving assessment and treatment of the group of muscles involved with your urinary, bowel, sexual function as well as core stability.
What Is The Pelvic Floor?
The pelvic floor consists of muscles, fascia and nerves that extend from your pubic bone to the tailbone (front to back) and sit bones (side to side). They act like a hummock or a sling supporting the organs (the bladder, uterus, rectum) inside the pelvis.
When these muscles have too much tension (hypertonic) they will often cause pelvic pain or urgency/frequency of the bladder and bowels. When they are low tone (hypotonic) and weak they will contribute to stress incontinence and organ prolapse.
Kegels are NOT always indicated for pelvic floor problems. Sometimes they do more harm than good, an often they are NOT performed correctly
The five key functions of the pelvic floor are:
1. Support for the organs
2. Sphincteric – maintaining urinary and fecal continence
3. Stability- strength and coordination for low back pain, pelvic girdle pain and hip pain
4. Sexual – orgasm, blood flow, provide tone for the vaginal and rectal canals
5. Sump pump-helps to pump your blood and lymph back to the heart

What to expect?
Initial Visit: 60 min
Follow up sessions: 30-60 min
After you book an appointment, you will receive an intake package that will help us to learn more about your symptoms and the impact that is having on your life.
The initial session is a 60-minute appointment which includes assessment and treatment. The physiotherapist takes a detailed history of your present symptoms, conducts an external physical assessment and if indicated internal examination.
The external examination consists of assessment of your posture, pelvic alignment, breathing, mobility, strength, and movement patterns.
The internal exam provides information on the strength and tone of your pelvic floor muscles, can identify trigger points, and determines how the pelvic floor is functioning. Based on assessment findings, we will work with you to discuss a personalized treatment plan to achieve your goals.
Follow up sessions are dependent on the assessment findings and may include external and internal soft tissue release, strength training, activity, and behavioral modification, breathing and relaxation techniques, self management strategies and education on persistent pain mechanisms.
+1 (416) 824-3107